What Are Veneers?

Life is much better when you wear a beautiful, healthy smile. Unfortunately, a perfect smile is the product of dreams for some people. Imperfections like chips, cracks, and widespread discoloration could do a number on your smile, not to mention your confidence. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Cosmetic devices like veneers can hide these imperfections, giving you a beautiful smile and boosting your self-esteem to face the world confidently. Below, we’ll be highlighting everything you need to know about veneers to help you make an informed decision on whether you should get them. Let’s dive right into it.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that mimic your tooth’s shape and color. These caps sit in front of your teeth to hide chips, cracks, staining, and large gaps between adjacent teeth. Dentists permanently bond these veneers to the surface of your teeth with dental cement to cover a single or multiple teeth.

What is the Veneers Placement Process Like?

Dentists usually place veneers on teeth in two separate sessions. The first involves taking impressions of your teeth, and the second entails attaching the veneers to the teeth. Here’s a brief breakdown of the veneer placement process.

Step 1: Consultation and Treatment Plan

The first step in veneer treatment involves a consultation with the dentist in charge of the procedure. During the consultation, the dentist will evaluate the extent of teeth damage and determine whether veneers are a suitable solution. If so, they’ll create a treatment plan outlining the steps, treatments, and medication details.

Step 2:  Tooth Preparation and Taking Impressions

With the treatment plan ready, the dentist will prepare the teeth by shaving about a millimeter-thin layer of the enamel. This creates space for the veneers to fit properly on the teeth. Next, the dentist will press dental putty on the teeth to create molds or impressions of your teeth. These are later sent to a lab to create custom veneers to your specifications.

Step 3: Veneer Fabrication and Veneer Bonding

Skilled technicians in an external lab will craft your veneers and send them to the dentist after about two weeks. The dentist will schedule another appointment to place the veneers on your teeth. Placement involves applying dental cement on the teeth and then placing the veneers. The dentist will then use a special blue light to cure it. After a few finishing touches, the dentist will send you home with instructions for taking care of your new veneers.

What are the Different Types of Veneers?

Patients can opt for different types of veneers, but the final decision rests on the dentist. The common types of veneers include:

  • Porcelain veneers: Porcelain veneers are strong, durable veneers made of porcelain that closely resemble your natural teeth.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal veneers: These are enhanced porcelain veneers fused with metals like gold to create stronger, more durable veneers that last for ages.
  • Composite veneers: These are made from a composite resin material slightly stronger than regular resin but less durable than other materials.
  • Zirconia veneers: Zirconia veneers are made from a strong and durable ceramic material that can withstand high bite pressures. Dentists recommend them for teeth with severe chips, cracks, and decay.

Are Veneers Right for Me?

The suitability of dental veneers depends on your dental condition. Dentists will recommend this cosmetic work for people with fractured and cracked teeth. It’s also suitable for people with heavy tooth discoloration resistant to teeth whitening. However, individuals with extensive dental decay, oral health issues, and bruxism may not qualify for veneers.

Get Your Veneers Today!

If you’ve been mulling over getting veneers, the perfect time to do so is now. Talk to Sparta Family Dentistry today, and we’ll schedule an appointment for your veneers immediately. Your dream smile awaits!

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