patient resources

A Healthy Smile Is Priceless

New Patient Forms

At Sparta Family Dentistry, a brighter smile is more convenient than ever. If you’re preparing for your first visit, skip the waiting room hustle and complete our digital new patient forms at a time that’s convenient for you! The forms help us to get to know you, and learn your dental health needs ahead of your visit. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

New Patient FormsAdult Registration FormsChild Registration Forms


We’re committed to keeping quality care accessible at a reasonable price to our neighbors in Sparta and Grand Rapids. Take our insurance verifier to see if we're in-network with your insurance. Our friendly team is always willing to help you understand your benefits, so give us a call anytime we can help answer any questions.

Verify Insurance

Flexible Financing

Even without dental insurance, we’re committed to making great care accessible to everyone. We want you to feel comfortable with the cost of your treatment, and we’re happy to work with the following lenders so you can create payment plans that fit your budget.

  • CareCredit
  • Proceed Finance

New patient experience



Our hygienist will remove tartar and build-up from the surfaces of your teeth and gums that can be missed with brushing alone, leaving your mouth feeling refreshed and sparkling clean. 


The key to keeping a healthy smile radiant and thriving is diligent proactive care. After the cleaning at your first visit, Dr. Goodyke will take a look at your mouth and jaw to ensure total dental wellness. 


We use modern, safe digital x-rays to capture detailed images of your teeth, gums, and facial bones, so we can empower you to be an informed and active participant in every step of your treatment. 

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Have Questions About Sparta Family Dentistry? 

Find Answers Here Or Call Our Team At (616) 887-0131. 

What will my first visit cost?

If Dr. Goodyke or the team catches anything troublesome during your initial visit, we will forthrightly discuss your needs with you to create a personalized treatment plan that fits your budget and lifestyle before proceeding with any dental work.

What Happens After My First Visit?

Dr. Goodyke and the Sparta Family Dentistry team will go over your dental health and any treatment recommended moving forward. Our team will help you schedule future appointments and go over financing options with you. We’re in-network the largest dental insurance provider in the country, and accept flexible financing plans to help high-quality, modern care easily accessible for all patients in Sparta and The Grand Rapids area.

Can I Use Dental Insurance?

We are in-network with a wide range of providers. Whether or not you have insurance, we’re committed to ensuring that all patients have access to quality, affordable care. Check out our financing options to learn more.

Do I Really Need  A Crown Urgently, Or Can We Continue To Watch The Tooth For A Few Weeks?

That tooth needs the protection a crown can offer to prevent it from fracturing. If it fractures, the tooth may also need a root canal or may need to be removed. We only recommend crowns at the time we believe they are needed. We can watch the tooth, but without a crown, can't guarantee it won’t break— even by waiting just one extra day. That said- always your choice and we’re happy to respect your choice and monitor it for you if that is what you would like to do!

"We treat each person like they are our own family members and we are very deliberate and thorough in providing the highest quality care that we can achieve."
– Dr. Austin Goodyke

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