Benefits of SureSmile

SureSmile in Sparta, MI

SureSmile clear aligners allow you to align your teeth without the trouble of having traditional metal braces attached to your enamel. If you’re interested in SureSmile aligners in Grandville, schedule a consultation with Dr. Goodyke and find out if you are a candidate for SureSmile clear aligners.

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What are SureSmile Clear Aligners?

SureSmile clear aligners are a cosmetic dentistry option often used to straighten teeth. They are a series of clear, removable appliances that are custom-designed for each patient. These aligners are designed to gradually shift your teeth into their correct position.

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Did you know…

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The SureSmile technology was invented by OraMetrix, an independent company established in 1998 by co-partners Friedrich Riemeier and Dr. Rohit Sachdeva.

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Free Teeth Whitening Offer

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SureSmile Clear Aligners

Patients receive free teeth whitening treatment upon SureSmile clear aligners case completion!

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Benefits of SureSmile

Faster treatment time

Unlike traditional orthodontic treatments, SureSmile reduces the treatment time by almost half. The advanced technology used to create customized treatment plans allows for quicker and more efficient corrections.

Increased accuracy

The technology used in SureSmile can develop computer-aided designs and 3D images of the teeth and use data to create a customized treatment plan for each patient. As a result, this increases the precision and accuracy of the treatment and minimizes the risk of incorrect alignment.

Improved aesthetics

These clear aligners are designed to create a more aesthetically pleasing smile. The technology allows for more accurate corrections to the teeth, creating a more attractive and symmetrical smile.

SureSmile Treatment Process: What to Expect?

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Initial consultation

The SureSmile treatment process begins with an initial consultation with your dentist in Sparta to discuss your unique needs. During the consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth and overall oral health before discussing your smile goals.

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The second step of the process involves taking impressions of your teeth. The impressions will be used to fabricate a 3D model, which will be used to create a customized treatment plan.

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Customized SureSmile Aligners

After the treatment plan is finalized, your dentist will design custom SureSmile aligners to shift your teeth into their desired position.

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Wear aligners

Once your new SureSmile aligners are ready, you’ll be required to wear them for the duration of your treatment. The dentist will guide you on how often to wear the aligners and when to switch to the next set.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The major difference between Invisalign and SureSmile lies in the type of technology they use. Invisalign utilizes 3D imaging and robotics to map the teeth, while Invisalign uses a more manual process that relies on physical impressions of the teeth to fabricate the aligners.

Properly caring for your SureSmile aligners will help keep them in good condition and ensure optimal results. Follow these tips:

  • Clean your aligners regularly with lukewarm water
  • Store them properly when not in use
  • Remove your SureSmile aligners before eating and drinking
  • Brush and floss your teeth before attaching your aligners

Ready to schedule an appointment? Visit our dental office in Sparta or call (616) 887-0131 to discuss your smile needs with Dr. Goodyke.

"We treat each person like they are our own family members and we are very deliberate and thorough in providing the highest quality care that we can achieve."
– Dr. Austin Goodyke

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